Department of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture
Faculty Agriculture Agronomy and Haor Agriculture Faculty Members Dr. Mohammad Noor Hossain Miah (PRL)
Dr. Mohammad Noor Hossain Miah (PRL)
B. Sc. Ag.(Hons), M. Sc. Ag in Agronomy, BAU, Bangladesh; M. Sc. Agril. Chemistry (Soil Sci. & Plant Nutrn.), Kochi University, PhD (Crop Physiology and Nutrition), UGSCA, Japan
Dept. of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Noor Hossain Miah was born on 9 February 1958 at the village of Nazimpur under Bhadergonj upazila of Shariatpur district. He got his primary and high school educations at Khalishpur High School, Khulna and passed SSC (Science group) from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore in 1974 and HSC (Science group) from Government Brojolal (BL) College, Daulatpur, Khulna in 1976 from the same board. He got government scholarship during his primary, SSC and higher secondary levels. He admitted in Bangladesh Agricultural University at the Faculty of Agriculture in the session 1978-79 and completed his B. Sc. Ag.(Hons.) during the session 1981-82, the results published in April 1984. He started his carrier as a lecturer at Hasanpur Shaheed Nazrul College at Daudkandi, Comilla, later on he joined as Assistant Cane Development Officer at Kustia Sugar Mill Ltd. in March 1985 of Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation. Leaving this job, he again joined as Scientific Officer at the Agronomy Division in July 1985 at Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh. In the mean time he completed his M.Sc.Ag. in Agronomy from BAU in 1987. He got Japan Government “Monbhusho” scholarship for graduate studies in 1991. He went to Japan in January 1992 on deputation and admitted in the Graduate school of Agriculture, Kochi University, Japan and completed his M.Sc.Ag. in Agril. Chem. (Soil Sci. and Plant nutrn.) in March 1994. After completing M.Sc.Ag, he started PhD course with the same scholarship at the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Japan (a consortium graduate school of Ehime University, Kagawa University and Kochi University) and awarded PhD with specialization in Crop Physiology and Nutrition in March 1997. During stay at Kochi University he also served as a “Teaching Assistant” at Kochi University and attended and presented papers in several seminars and symposium. He joined and presented paper at the 2nd Asian Crop Science Conference in 1995 at Fukui Prefectural University, Fukui, Japan. He returned Bangladesh in March 1997 and joined in his previous job at BINA. At BINA during his research profession from July 1985 till leaving in August 2011, hold different positions like Scientific Officer, Senior Scientific Officer, Principal Scientific Officer and Chief Scientific Officer and also Divisional Head. He visited Japan as a Post Doctoral Fellow in 2003. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh government appointed him as Executive Director of Bangladesh Institute of Applied Research and Training in Nutrition (BIRTAN), Ministry of Agriculture, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka in June 2011 on deputation from BINA. Leaving BIRTAN, he joined as a Professor at the Department of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet on 4 August 2011. After joining at SAU he served in several constitutional positions of SAU like Syndicate Member, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Chairman of the Department of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture, Member of Professor and Associate Professor Appointment Board of SUST, Sylhet, Provost of Suhasini Das Hall and also Convener of Provost Council of SAU, Director (Finance & Accounts) from Sept 2017 till now etc. He is elected President of Teachers’ Association of SAU for 3 times (2012, 2015-16 and 2019) and several times as member of EC of Teachers’ Association. Besides, he was elected Secretary of BINA Scientists’ Association during 1999 - 2000 and a number of positions in the BINA Scientists’ Association during service period at BINA. During research job at BINA, study period abroad and teaching job at SAU, he published more than 70 scientific articles in the scientific journals of home and abroad, co-authors of a number of scientific booklets and also author of a number of popular articles. So far he supervised around 60 MS students of BAU and SAU and co-supervised 3 PhD students and presently Co-supervising 2 PhD fellows. He participated in about 25 professional training programs and also delivered lectures as resource person for MS students, teachers and Officers of SAU, DAE, BADC, NGOs and NARS scientists and farmers. He was Head of team for the Self-Assessment Program of undergraduate and graduate curricula of the Faculty of Agriculture , SAU, Sylhet and lead research projects individually or was associated with others.